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Since we cannot share all the songs yet, here’s a bit about them.

Taking Back Control written by Lesa Meinze and Dylan Altman

Sample Lyrics:
“I’m letting go of all the shame that’s tied me down so long And all the shitty voices saying “girl you don’t belong” No more living in that dark and lonely hole I’m taking back control”

You Are What You Answer To written by Merrie Fox and Maia Sharp

Have you ever felt like people keep trying to put you into a box that does not feel right? That they think they know you better than you know yourself? Merrie’s song “You Are What You Answer To” is about not letting anyone define you; you make that choice for yourself. She also wanted to express the message that no matter the trauma you have been through, you are worth better than the way those things make you feel about yourself.

It’s Gonna Be Alright written by Melanie Krotzer and Erin Enderlin

The Other Side written by Sierra Riels and Dylan Altman

Could you fathom losing your high school sweetheart, who is the love of your life, at 22 years old? For “The Other Side”, Sierra wanted to convey her harrowing journey of picking herself up from the lowest moment of her life to make it through. Though the subject matter is dark, the song is upbeat and hopeful.

A Chance to Breathe written by Rebecca Anderson and Erin Enderlin

My Way Back to You written by Kellie Owens and Jay Clementi

Knight in Shining Armor written by Giselle Irr and Maia Sharp

Sample Lyrics: “I have a friend who was the first of us, she did it on a dare There wasn’t a setting at the table, but she still pulled up a chair And all my friends they take the long walk, no longer alone on that trail And they do it combat boots and a pony tail Looking for a knight in shining armor, found something better instead When we came together, to keep on blazing the path ahead Slaying the fire breathing dragons, changing what we knew to be true”

EOD is Home written by Linda Cox and Jay Clementi

Midnight Tattoo written by Rebecca Anderson, Linda Cox, Merrie Fox, Giselle Irr, Melenie Krotzer, Lesa Meinze, Kellie Owens, Sierra Riels, Dylan Altman, Jay Clementi, Erin Enderlin, and Maia Sharp

*Sample tracks are not recordings of songs you will receive. All songs are being performed and rerecorded by the EOD and veteran community.

*All songs registered with ASCAP

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